Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"I always want to keep experimenting. I think the ways that I’ve evolved as an artist come about because of my desire to keep learning. Always, every day, I want to learn something new, whether it’s a new word or whatever. I want to learn something and that is why my work changes in mood, it’s because I’m moving on to what I can learn next. It’s not actually so pre-planned as to think of it about in terms of image change or implied direction, it’s actually quite a natural process for me to reach for something new; reach for a new instrument; reach for a way of writing I haven’t tried before. And that’s how the music evolves in the way it does"

the great PJ Harvey

Sunday, November 27, 2011


This September I had the chance to work as a costume assistant on a MIGROS publicity in Switzerland.

Monday, November 14, 2011

stand bright eyed, blinking at the future! you are love and you are light*

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

     my ocean point of view - shot with a Yashica Minister D in Lacanau

song of the ocean

Uraltes Wehn vom Meer,
Meerwind bei Nacht
du kommst zu keinem her;
wenn einer wacht,
so muß er sehn, wie er
dich übersteht:

uraltes Wehn vom Meer
welches weht
nur wie für Urgestein,
lauter Raum,
reißend von weit herein.

O wie fühlt dich
ein treibender Feigenbaum
oben im Mondschein.

 Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, November 5, 2011

il pleut sur Paris et I ♥ fleetwood mac

Friday, November 4, 2011

taste the waste